Lucy Williams Signature Watermark
Does this ring true for you?

Our inner world is a very private place. It is the world in our head, our thoughts,feelings and beliefs.

It is also the world of our body, which parts work well, which give trouble, our responses to stress, hormones and sensations of pain.

Only trusted people get to hear when things aren’t going well. We often put on a brave face or cover up things too sensitive to talk about and hope it will get better.

But what do you do when it gets worse?

We develop coping strategies like resting more on days off, taking medication or alcohol and avoiding certain situations. Often these don’t solve the problem, they push the problem down the road.

This is the time to learn new strategies that do help;

  • Help you to find the answers you need,
  • Support your physical recovery and sense of empowerment,
  • Provide techniques that are quick and easy to use on a daily basis,
  • Restore your confidence and motivation.
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Welcome to Transformational Breath®

a simple, safe, self-empowering healing system which is a dynamic process using conscious, connected breathing to enhance all aspects of your life.

The primary access to your life-force is through your breath. Many of us are only using 30% of our lung capacity due to illness, disability, sedentary jobs and lack of motivation. Consciously increasing our lung capacity changes everything.

The benefits can be felt on all levels of your being.

The benefits of

Transformational breath®

Training with me

I provide:

  • Breathwork for personal growth through individual sessions.

  • Introductory Transformational Breath® small group workshops.

  • Breathwork for corporate wellness programs.

  • Residential retreat style training programs.

  • Professional Transformational Breath® facilitator training to Level 3.

Why TRy It ?

On paper everything is going well…

…but internally there are troubled waters and nagging doubts. Something is sapping your energy.

Activities that were once easy are leaving you feeling drained. It is getting more difficult to recognise what your personal desires and needs are to formulate a better way forward in life.

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There Must be More…

Freedom from self-doubt and critical thoughts which hold you back from taking the decisive steps to live the life you want to live.

A life full of meaning and purpose, making the choices that benefit you.

Finding answers to your concerns in a safe and supportive space and getting back on track with your career goals.

The freedom to consciously choose your life rather than continuing with what you feel pressured to do.

Most of all, waking up every day loving who you are and what you do.

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Lucy Williams Signature Watermark

But something is keeping you stuck

You are committed to providing for your family and feel the pressure to keep going no matter how tired you may be.

You are expected to perform in work with your usual enthusiasm but are starting to worry that your capabilities are slipping.

You are starting to feel unhappy even in your trusted relationships and are baffled as to what the real issue is. Feeling unsupported and misunderstood, no-one seems to have any relevant answers.

Critical thinking has you feeling afraid to voice your concerns and forces you to make even more effort to cope despite developing stress related physical symptoms.

And not only that, you worry that by continuing this way either you will regret not making a change or you will make a ‘knee jerk’ decision and regret that more.

You want to get into a better place, but making decisions about the way forward is another source of anxiety.

catch 22

Trusted by

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Here is the solution

It’s not as complicated as your mind is making it.

Get started

I’m Lucy, this was my journey

In 2002, I hit rock bottom, having studied and worked as a staff nurse for 20 years and achieved a Postgraduate Diploma in Cancer Nursing – so many highs and lows.

Looking back, I had symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and worsening asthma for several years. I moved house, changed jobs and started re-imagining my future. I hadn’t realised that I was burnt out and completely exhausted. I was forced to take extended sick leave or I would have been a liability on the ward.

‘What is best for me’, was my burning question. I started training in holistic therapies, using my medical knowledge and people skills to continue caring and giving, I became healthier and happier but my asthma seemed to be persistent. My medications were still increasing. So frustrating!

Lucy Williams Signature Watermark

A brand new way

10 years flew past, balancing nursing and alternative medicine practice, then a friend introduced me to a holistic breathing practice called Transformational breath®.

After just a few sessions I quickly started to notice signs of progress.

It was a revelation to realise that my thinking was creating stress and tension in my body, and as a result my breathing had become extremely restricted.  I had changed my lifestyle and eating habits but hadn’t changed my thinking habits.

I had invested thousands on courses, mentors, healers and therapists along the way and what I finally learnt is that it really isn’t as complicated as my brain was telling me.

That’s why I’m now on a mission to save you so much time and money by sharing the very best of everything I’ve learnt over my many years of self-discovery.

How to move on from a mindset of uncertainty, stress and overwhelm and into mental clarity, self-assurance and peace without even needing to leave your job or move house, and it may even save your relationship.

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Because here’s the secret

It’s never about the job. It’s always our minds and the often unhelpful stories they tell us about our lives… leading to the psychological pressure we experience.

As a holistic Breathwork facilitator and trainer, I can help you unpick those stories through deep inner work and transformational tools, giving you the freedom to live the life you so desperately want to be living and build up your resistance to stress and pressure.

Get started

Breathwork Science


The number of breaths a person takes per day

600 m

Lung sacs (alveoli) in our lungs


The length of our airways!


Average number of breaths per minute when resting


in an open, connected, cyclical, flowing breath
brings so many benefits to your whole being

  • Oxygen for energy and healing restores motivation and wellbeing
  • Relaxation to release tension, ease pain and support sleep
  • Self-awareness for inspiration, visualising new ideas and possibilities
  • Finding peace within to be happy and living in the present moment
  • Adopting new self-care habits to maintain self-confidence and resilience

Courses & Classes

Courses In Person

Shamanic Breathwork Retreat – One-day Workshop

An introductory one-day workshop on shamanic journeying and breathwork practice. These practices [...]

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Events In Person News

Introduction to Transformational Breath® Workshop

7pm-9.30pm at Synergy Holistic, 298 Cregagh Rd, Belfast. BT6 9EW Breathing to [...]

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Courses In Person News

2 day Transformational Breath® Workshop

These two ‘time-out days’ for yourself are the perfect introduction to Transformational [...]

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Courses In Person

Taster One to One In-Person Sessions

I invite you to join me at Synergy Holistic for a taster [...]

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Courses Online

Taster One to One Online Sessions

Using breathing exercises to rebalance body, mind and emotions is a wonderful [...]

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Courses In Person

One-to-One In-person Sessions

The aim of one-to-one sessions are to assist you to be the [...]

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What my clients have to say

A deeply nourishing and expansive experience

The transformational breath week was a deeply nourishing and expansive experience. I really enjoyed moving through the different aspects of being every few days; body, emotions, and spirit. A truly integrated week. I felt so safe to travel really deeply into my experience through each breathing session, and there were a lot! Both Brian and

Kathryn Davies, East Sussex

After the course I felt so much calmer and more focused

Thank you, Lucy and Brian, for helping me through an amazing journey over two days. I have certainly “reclaimed my breath”. I overcame so many issues. I didn’t realize how many I had. I cried, laughed and felt freer than I have ever known. Also on the Monday after the course I felt so much

Fiona Steele, Co. Down

I felt the benefit from the beginning

I had the opportunity to have Transformational breath® sessions with Lucy. This treatment changed my life in different ways such as my mental health as well as physically. For many years I had spots on my face that were very painful. I have had a lot of treatments in order to heal this condition but

Christina, Mallorca

A very positive experience

I would thoroughly recommend Lucy Scott as my experience has been very positive. Lucy is a really lovely person who listens carefully and tailors treatments to your individual needs. She make you feel totally at ease and the results in my case have been extremely satisfactory.  

C. Johnston

I feel so much better

After one consultation with Lucy and having followed her recommendations, I feel so much better; more myself with improved energy levels, less anxious and better concentration.  

Siobhan, Belfast.

You inspire me to connect more spiritually

Lucy, you are such a calming influence. Your soft energy is so beautiful. You inspire me to connect more spiritually and to open my world to open my world up to new experiences. Thank you for holding a beautiful space for me this week.

After the course I felt so much calmer and more focused

Thank you, Lucy and Brian, for helping me through an amazing journey over two days. I have certainly “reclaimed my breath”. I overcame so many issues. I didn’t realize how many I had. I cried, laughed and felt freer than I have ever known. Also on the Monday after the course I felt so much

Fiona Steele, Co. Down

This treatment changed my life

I had the opportunity to have Transformational breath® sessions with Lucy. This treatment changed my life in different ways such as my mental health as well as physically. For many years I had spots on my face that were very painful. I have had a lot of treatments in order to heal this condition but

Christina, Mallorca

I feel so much better

After one consultation with Lucy and having followed her recommendations, I feel so much better; more myself with improved energy levels, less anxious and better concentration.  

Siobhan, Belfast.

The experience was so beneficial

It was so relaxing doing (Online Transformational Breath® sessions) at home. Really impressed it worked from such a distance. The experience was so beneficial to me as the timing was just when I needed it. I was stuck in making a video of myself for my yoga students as I am camera shy. Lucy your

Thoughtful and wonderful

Gentle, loving, caring, committed, thoughtful, wonderful.

I am inspired….

I am inspired by your gentle nature, the wisdom and intuition that are flowing from you with such easiness, your connection to spirit and your femininity.

I cannot thank Lucy enough

So compassionate with a wonderful strong sense of spirit within her. I cannot thank her enough for the kindness she shows at my most vulnerable moments. Her empathy and kindness shine out of her.

Breathwork Videos and POdcasts

“One breathwork session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy.”

- Henry Rohrberg, Ph.D 
American psychotherapist and breathwork advocate.